Fathered by Love

Fathering_me_02Worship is meant to touch the deepest, most intimate place in our hearts as we touch the Father’s heart. Think about this. God’s Spirit is living inside of you–in the very deepest place of who you are–closer than your breath, more intimate than your thoughts.

Worship is about consciously filling in the space between us and God that exists in our mind.

Worship is not about a song or a service as much as about a constant interchange between our heart and God’s heart.

Worship is about God fathering us in His loving embrace.

Someone in the blog world recently asked me what makes me so different than the typical “pastor.” What factors led up to this change? And those who know me better would also ask how I seem to have so much more grace for others, more understanding, compassion–loving people for who they are, not based on what they’ve done. Why I seem more confidence about who I am, less fearful or moved by circumstances. Why my countenance is more joyful, my outlook more hopeful. Why I’m not so judgmental, argumentative, or angry and apprehensive about what’s happening in the world anymore.

I don’t know all the factors, but I can tell you this. I wasn’t talked into it, and it wasn’t because I learned something new; it’s because I’m becoming someone new.

I’m being fathered by Love.

In this regard, I would like to share two video clips with Steffany Frizzell-Gretzinger. I do so because she so beautifully captures what I mean by worship.

The first clip is a brief interview with her from a few years ago about worship and “filling in all the space so there’s nothing between us and God.” I want you to listen closely to her heart because this is the sound of one smitten and transformed by the Father’s love.

YouTube video provided by Jesse Meddaugh

This second video is a more recent one from Steffany and it’s a perfect example of what she meant in the first clip. When we abandon all our fear and doubt, and climb up into our Father’s heart, letting His hands enfold us, we begin to see who we really are. The last part of this song says it all.

There’s a place carved out
Inside Your heart
Inside Your hands
And You saved it just for me
So that I remember who I am
You saved it just for me

So I’ll climb up
In Your heart, Your hands
And remember who You say I am
You’re all I need
You’re fathering me

So, I invite you to put this into practice by taking a few minutes from your busy schedule today and listen to this song. Just lay back into Papa’s arms of love as Steffany leads you into His heart.

You have a special place carved out in the Father’s heart waiting for you. He loves you more than you could possibly know. Go now and let Him father you for a little while.

Child of God/Fathering Me (Spontaneous Song)

“Child of God” written by Kathryn Scott
Copyright 1999 Vineyard Songs (Uk/Eire)
Additional words by Steffany Frizzell-Gretzinger

With every breath
With every thought
From what is seen
To the deepest part
I offer all that I’ve come to be
To know Your love,
Fathering me

Father, You’re all I need
My soul’s sufficiency
My strength when I am weak
The love that carries me
Your arms enfold me
’til I am only
A child of God

With every step
On this journey’s walk
And wisdom’s songs
That the soul has sought
I give myself unreservedly
To know Your love
Fathering me

There’s a place carved out
Inside Your heart
Inside Your hands
And You save it just for me
So that I remember who I am
You saved it just for me

So I’ll climb up
In Your heart, Your hands
And remember who You say I am
You’re all I need
You’re fathering me

Original photo image in graphic found here

About Mel Wild

God's favorite (and so are you), a son and a father, happily married to the same beautiful woman for 42 years. We have three incredible adult children. My passion is pursuing the Father's heart in Christ and giving it away to others. My favorite pastime is being iconoclastic and trailblazing the depths of God's grace. I'm also senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in Wisconsin.
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8 Responses to Fathered by Love

  1. Smitten and transformed. Absolutely. Thank you for these few lovely minutes drawing closer to Him, Mel.

  2. Cindy Powell says:

    Love this. Love (love love) Steffanys heart and music (she is one of my very favorites). Love this song (which has also always been one of my very favorites)–the spontaneous words she adds just deepen the richness. Most of all I love being fathered by Love–because He is my very MOST favorite. I think I need to go fill in some space now …

    • Mel Wild says:

      Amen! I think Steffany actually gets it. 🙂 Seriously, her passionate worship has always blessed me and motivated me to fill in in that space too. Be blessed being Fathered! It’s overwhelming but so-o-o-o good!

  3. hannahbeth56 says:

    I recently blogged a post about how our worship is so much more than a song! Very comforting to see others have the same burden of the Holy Spirit to share this truth with others. Thank you! Many blessings to you.

    • Mel Wild says:

      Awesome.And this particular burden results in fullness of joy, so it’s my pleasure to do so. 🙂 I will definitely check out your post. We need more in the body of Christ to help lead the Fathers’ beloved into His heart. That’s where the life is. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Many blessings to you also.

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