Testing, testing…

I’ve been lobbing some “softball” (non-controversial) posts lately and, being a trailblazer at heart, I have a need to throw us into the deeper end of the pool for some adventuresome theological dialogue. (How’s that for a mixed bag of metaphors!)

But tumbling down this rabbit hole into wonderland will be challenging and not for those with a frail relationship with God, nor for those who cannot see beyond their comfortable dogmatic certitudes. So, before we leap, I need to conduct a simple vision test to make sure you’re up for the journey. Here’s the test. What’s wrong with the picture above? (No cheating by clicking on the picture or reading the comments for the answer before guessing. Santa’s watching! 🙂 ) Seriously, I would love to hear your initial response to this, even if you’ve seen it before. Did you see it before peeking?

Take your time… I’ll wait…

Photo credit: Ba2 (www.deviantart.com) CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

About Mel Wild

God's favorite (and so are you), a son and a father, happily married to the same beautiful woman for 42 years. We have three incredible adult children. My passion is pursuing the Father's heart in Christ and giving it away to others. My favorite pastime is being iconoclastic and trailblazing the depths of God's grace. I'm also senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in Wisconsin.
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20 Responses to Testing, testing…

  1. ndifrisco says:

    Took me a minute, but… in my heart, I knew that spade was a spade.

  2. Kathee Manning says:

    The hearts are black and the spades are red.

  3. Mel Wild says:

    Pack your gear… 🙂

  4. Saskia Hart says:

    Mel, I don’t know a thing about cards so I had to cheat by reading some of the comments, but HERE is what I do know. We are so excited about the rabbit hole. . .we are passionate about seeing Wonderland, and the idea of trailblazing makes me grin. So let’s go! We are with you all the way.

  5. The King should be black and the Ace should be red. And I got it without reading any other replies. Do I get a gold star for the day?

  6. Is this going to be another one of your posts that I re-blog?

  7. bullroarin says:

    My initial (not my final) thought was that the 3 was out of place….hehheheh, everybody calm down!

  8. Lance says:

    No black hearts in the kingdom. Ha ha. You’re funny. You know I’m in.

  9. Pingback: Testing, testing… (answer key) | In My Father's House

  10. Pingback: Was Ezra xenophobic? | In My Father's House

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